Friday, June 10, 2011

Petsmart Greeter

DeeDee (Dora) really seems to LOVE people. She's been really affectionate for only having been in her foster home for a few days. She has already started giving me kisses. Yesterday, I laid on the floor a couple of feet from her. She actually moved over to lay right next to me. That's a first with a new foster.

DeeDee went with me earlier this week to pick up dog food from our local seed & feed store, TC Country. She jumps in and out of my truck like a champ, and has every time except that first time when I brought her home from the kennel. Now mind you, my truck is a full size with big tires so it's pretty good jump up for a dog. While at TC Country, she visited with (i.e. watched intently) some of the little chicks on sale there at the store. DeeDee also managed to captivate one of the store owners with her sweet friendly ways. She has the art of meeting & greeting down pretty darn well.

Last evening, I ended taking her to Petsmart to pick up a few things, and get her out and about some more. We got to Petsmart and she wasn't too thrilled with the slick floors. I stopped and we just took our time. Of course, she drew a small crowd standing there on the little carpet just inside Petsmart. People came over to pet her, which she just loved. She even pulled me a few steps over so she could greet 2 little girls. I wish I had gotten a picture. It was very sweet.

DeeDee never ceases to amaze me. She keeps on trucking. After greeting everyone, we walked slowly around the store. I didn't want her to worry about sliding on the floor so we just took our time. We met up with a Petsmart associate who was very taken with DeeDee. She (the associate) stood there talk to me about Greyhounds and petting DeeDee. Then she (the associate) leaned over DeeDee and DeeDee kissed the lady. This little girl is a lovebug! She could apply for and become a Petsmart greeter if there was such a thing!

She had been picking up and playing some with toys.

She cracks me up with her antics. I swear can almost hear her talk.

And when she sleeps, she sure looks like a little angel. This little girl is a keeper for some lucky family!